Shannon Yount - 4/26/2024

 attorney Generals seal
Wishing all is well. The Military and Veterans Rights Bureau of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General is kicking off its second annual series of webinars catered to the veteran/military community. Please see attachment for list of upcoming webinars. Last year the webinars were a success, and we are reaching out to key members of the veteran community to assist us in making the presentations easily accessible. Last year many veterans expressed unease over limited access to the presentations citing technology concerns. As a result, we are hoping that veterans’ organizations will host viewing locations for the webinars. A County Veterans Assistance Commission or a post of a Veteran Service Organization can register for the webinar as a viewing location and MVRB will help advertise by directing veterans to the viewing location. This will not only allow MVRB to share information to the veteran community but offer an opportunity for veteran organizations to share resource information. The coordinator of the viewing location will need to notify MVRB that they are a viewing location prior to the webinar.
 Upcoming Webinars

Illinois Service Member Employment & Reemployment Rights Act (ISERRA) 

Tuesday, 7 May 2024 

1000 – 1130

Veteran Service Organizations State Charter Act 

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 

1100 – 1200

What to Know About Veteran Consumer Scams 

Friday, 12 July 2024 

1100 – 1230

They can send an email to either MVRB@ilag.gov 
See complete the attached list of webinars here
Link to Illinois Attorney General Military and Veterans Rights Bureau